Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Beers Across America: A Quick Primer

One of the things that fascinates me about the craft brewery revolution that's taken hold within the last couple of decades is how distinctly unique each beer is from the last. I think it's also no small coincidence that the United States has such a rich and varied landscape from coast to coast, both geographically and culturally. What a wonderful opportunity for me to examine both of these points on a state to state journey!

Over the course of the coming weeks and months, I'll be reviewing a beer brewed in each state in this fine nation of ours. But it won't just stop there- here's an overview of what I'll be up to:

The Review: An obvious place to start. This will be my opportunity to describe what drew me to the particular beer of choice - whether it be state significance, culturally or otherwise, or a unique style, etc. From there, a bit about the brewery from whence it came. Finally, the beer itself: start to finish, what I love, what I hate, and everything in between.

My Experience: This will be my opportunity to share my thoughts and actual encounters with the state being featured. As I haven't traveled the entire Union as of yet, this section may be more or less detailed from state to state. I'll have a decent amount to say about the East Coast, but next to nothing to report for, say...Iowa. If I've been lucky enough to enjoy a fine local beverage, you'll also read about it here.

Hot Spot: As mentioned right off the bat, craft breweries, pubs, bars and other unique hangouts have spread like wildfire all over the nation. I'll be briefly profiling one such place that I've either been to or would love to visit, again, from the state in question.

Curio: As one would expect from America, there are plenty of interesting little local stories to highlight in a post like this. For example on a more national scale, would you believe that Mountain Dew had its roots based in moonshine? Originally a slang term for moonshine, Mountain Dew was developed by Barney and Ally Hartman in 1940. As soft drinks were still only regionally available in the 1930's, the Hartmans had trouble acquiring their whiskey mixer of choice, so they decided to formulate their own. Early marketing featured Willy the Hillbilly and slogans like "It'll Tickle Yore Innards!" and "Get that Barefoot Feeling." Only after being acquired by PepsiCo in 1964 did its marketing eventually start to transition towards the "young and hip" demographic.

Next Up: A teaser for the next installment. In this case, first will be my home state of New Jersey. You have to start somewhere, and it may as well be my beginning as well.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Welcome to Rum Patrol

Monks + Brewing = Delicious
With the discovery of Stone Age-era beer jugs dating back to 10,000 B.C., predating things like metal tools, trade and complex society, it's safe to say alcohol has had a consistent  presence in human history. From a Chinese imperial edict in 1116 BC declaring use of alcohol in moderation to be prescribed by heaven to widely held beliefs in Colonial America such as Puritan minister Increase Mather - "Drink is in itself a good creature of God, and to be received with thankfulness..." - spirits have also been ingrained in human culture for thousands of years. Temperance and prohibition, too, have been in the conversation for generations due to overindulgence. But for us here at Rum Patrol, beer, wine and liquor represent something entirely different than a means to intoxication. Drink brings people together. It affects culture and changes societal canon. It makes brewers and vintners and inventors out of laymen. It creates passions and promotes creativity and ingenuity. It influences history and forms narratives all its own.

We the authors of Rum Patrol, task ourselves with building on this grand tradition. It's clear that in this digital age, establishing an outlet for initiative, creativity, and personal content is easier than it's ever been. That being said, I contend that the age we live in has also made it easier to consume and consume, and not give anything back. Why make anything when you can just have it delivered to your door, or even into your house? Rum Patrol is our opportunity to create. Granted, we're not exactly reinventing the wheel, but sharing opinions and information with ourselves and anyone else in the world armed with Google and a well-worded search phrase is a noble cause in its own right.

So after many fits and starts, the time has finally come. Though we have varying styles and voices, our sheer enjoyment of the subject matter should ring true throughout. We aim to tell not only our own stories, but those of past and present, local and international, famous and forgotten.