Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Terrapin Pumpkinfest
This is an outstanding pumpkin offering, plain and simple. The blend and balance of the pumpkin and spice is excellent. The spice taste is excellent. The sweetness is just right, while still maintaining the substantively malty body of a lager. There's no cloying or sour aftertaste. The only peculiarity came with dinner - I thought for sure the beer would only improve with barbequed pulled pork, macaroni and cheese and cornbread, but this was oddly not the case. If anything the flavors were more muted. That being said, highest marks I've given to a pumpkin beer.
4.5 out of 5 pumpkins
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Otter Creek Oktoberfest
I've been pretty ho-hum about the few Otter Creek beers I've had. Unfortunately, this is no exception. The rich golden hue is nice, and the mix of sweet malt and German hops is pretty good, but it's mired by a metallic aftertaste. Simply put, I've had much worse, but I've had much better.
2.5 out of 5 pumpkins
Thursday, October 10, 2013
River Horse Brewing Co Hipp-O-Lantern Imperial Pumpkin Ale
I knew coming into this beer that I would have to be in 'Imperial Mode,' but this *still* put me on my heels. The alcohol bite is very harsh despite a fairly standard (for an imperial) 8.1% ABV. I catch just a hint of pumpkin at the very first split second, and a reasonably creamy body on the mouthfeel, but the alcohol heat just overwhelms. First imperial pumpkin I haven't particularly cared for.
2 out of 5 pumpkins
Friday, October 11, 2013
Blue Point Brewing Co Oktoberfest
Fresh off a ho-hum Oktoberfest, this is....a ho-hum Oktoberfest. Nice head, but the color is surprisingly light for the style. The mouthfeel is way short on taste, and there's a funky aftertaste that I can't even place. Overall, a wholly nondescript entry. Can't win 'em all.
2 out of 5 pumpkins
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Dukes Tailgate Edition II!
Samuel Adams Harvest Pumpkin Ale
The pumpkin and spices were certainly front and center in this brew, but somehow it left me feeling like it was trying a little too hard. There was a little sweet aftertaste that was a little off-putting as well. Good but just not quite right. Hard to describe...
3 out of 5 pumpkins
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Left Hand Brewing Oktoberfest
Another solid Märzen. I've had a few from Left Hand that I've enjoyed (the Milk Stout is deeelicious), and this adds well to the collection. Good amber color, solid bready body. It's a touch sweet for me, but a very minor complaint. I'd certainly drink another. Not that it earns any points, but the bottle art is pretty sweet as well.
3.5 out of 5 pumpkins
Monday, October 14, 2013
Lancaster Brewing Co Baked Pumpkin Ale
This was a delightful little surprise. With such a deliberate title and label, I thought for sure that the beer would be trying way too hard on the pumpkin pie angle to actually work. Lo and behold, the taste is spot on! The spice mix is right on the money, and that 'liquid pumpkin pie' taste is executed wonderfully. That being said, my minor complaint would be that its virtues end right about there. Despite the darker-than-normal hue, there's not much of a body in the mouthfeel; all you get is that pumpkin pie taste. Don't get me wrong - I do like this beer - but I feel like I have to drink a Guinness afterwards to compensate. Also worth noting - this is a very deceptive 7.7% ABV. Almost into Imperial territory, you could get in big trouble without knowing it!
3.5 out of 5 pumpkins